Wednesday, May 2, 2012

RIP Hunter

Last night my dog Hunter lost his battle to cancer. My parents were with him when he took his last breath, and while I'm thankful he's no longer hurting, I miss him so much already.

I truly do hope all dogs go to heaven.

RIP boy. I miss you so much. I love you.


  1. Oh I'm so sorry for you. xxx RIP xxx

  2. I am so so sorry to hear that :((( {{Hugs}}

  3. Awwwh... I'm sorry to read that. He truly looks like a great dog!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am so sorry!!!:(
      He is now running free at Rainbow Bridge...:(

  5. I am so sorry for your loss :( dogs are like family and I can imagine how sad this must be for you :(...i m sure he is in doggie heaven.

  6. I am so sorry. I lost my first kitty that my husband and I had as a couple 2 years ago to cancer and while it does get easier, I still miss her all the time. I like to think she's happy and not hurting now in heaven, waiting on us to join her someday.

  7. i'm so sorry for your loss. losing my dog was one of the worst experiences of my life. i don't believe in a heaven where pets don't exist. it's just not possible. and now i'm blubbering like a little baby.

  8. So sorry to hear this. He is a beautiful boy, and I hope he's happy and pain-free in heaven. All good dogs do go somewhere wonderful, I truly believe that, for all they've done for us, unselfishly, during their entire lives. And they live forever in our memories and the stories we'll always have to tell other people. I lost my Boston Terrier one year ago in January, and he was so smart, perceptive, sweet, and wonderful I sometimes looked in his eyes and wondered if there was a human soul in there. My entire family and husband's family still tell stories about the things he did. He was all of 15 pounds and once jumped into the ocean to "save" me because he thought I was drowning (I was tubing off the back of our boat and he thought my screams were in terror instead of excitement). I have his picture, collar, and ashes on my desk and I say hello to him sometimes and hope he's somewhere where he's making someone else as happy as he made us.

  9. I'm really sorry to hear that <3 my heart squeezed because at a glance the picture looks like my boyfriend's one year old lab. <3 At least he's not hurting anymore like you said... <3

  10. I am so sorry for your loss! Animals are like family members and it's so hard to loose them! But you will always have beautiful memories with him and his loss will get a bit easier in time. I'm pretty sure he is in doggie heaven and is having a great time now! *hug*

  11. I am so sorry. It is amazing how much these creatures who never speak a word to us can just make our lives better by being around. I hope that the pain of your loss subsides and that all the wonderful memories you have of Hunter stay fresh in your mind.

  12. I am so sorry :( I know what you feel, my dog died exactly year ago and I still miss him.

  13. Ohmygosh... I am so sorry!! *hugs* :(

  14. So sorry to hear about your loss. hugs.

  15. so tragic, it's always hard to loose a pet! <3 xxx

  16. So sorry. Dogs become like family. The loss hurts just as much as a human life.

  17. I am so sorry *hugs* They truly are special members of the family and it is never easy to lose them. He will always be with you and I hope your heart heals quickly, dogs always just want people to be happy. <3

  18. Ugh, my heart breaks for you. He is so adorable. I know how you feel, I lost my family pet in November. It was so difficult, and still is. All dogs DO go to heaven, and he's happy running in a large field now.

  19. my heart breaks for you. I cant even imagine the pain you feel , if you need anyone to talk to please feel free to contact me . :( i send you a big warm hug!

  20. i'm so sorry, lady :( My German Shepherd of 10 years passed away around this time last year when i was 6 months pregnant, and I thought i was going to lose my mind. But I TRULY believe all dogs DO go to Heaven, and we'll see them there if we make it there ourselves one day :) Personally, I'd like to think that Ajax (my dog, who's back legs basically quit working and had to be drug around) is up there running like CRAZY with a big ole steak in his mouth :DD Stay strong. I'll pray for ya!

  21. I am so profoundly sorry. I know nothing can make this better but I hope in time the happy memories will come rather than the sense of loss.

  22. Aw, what a cutie. I'm so sorry and I hurt with you. I lost my little boy just before Christmas. Wren was 14 and having seizures. He had a grand mal the Sunday before Christmas. The vet suspected he had a brain tumor working on him. It's sad when they're gone but we can take comfort in the fact that they are no longer suffering. I miss him terribly as I know you do Hunter. My thoughts are with you.

  23. I'm so sorry for your loss. Words can't make this better but know I am thinking of you

  24. I'm so sorry for your loss... I've lost my dog 7 years ago and I believe she's somewhere where there's green grass and lots of friends... :) Maybe they meet with Hunter...

  25. I am so very sorry. I know how much that hurts. :( {{{{{{}}}}}}

  26. im so sorry , be tough deaaaaaaaar :')

  27. So sorry for your loss. I am here for you Darling! Hugs!!!!

  28. So sorry to hear, love! It's always so hard to loose a family member, hope you'll be ok! He looked adorable and so cute!


Glad you stopped by. Have a great day!