Monday, December 26, 2011

China Glaze Tinsel Town

I thought I'd catch up a little bit on my swatches while I'm on vacation! Wee for vacation spam!

China Glaze Tinsel Town is a gorgeous deep grey glitter with large silver glitter. As usual with the 2011 glitters, it covers in about three coats and dries fairly smooth.

China Glaze Tinsel Town
China Glaze Tinsel Town, three coats, no topcoat, shade

China Glaze Tinsel Town
China Glaze Tinsel Town, three coats, no topcoat, back sunlight

China Glaze Tinsel Town
China Glaze Tinsel Town, three coats, no topcoat, sunlight

China Glaze Tinsel Town
China Glaze Tinsel Town, three coats, no topcoat, sunlight
The only thing that made me sad about this color is even though I topped it with SV it still chipped within one day. Although I know glitters chip easier and I'm pretty rough on my hands, that still made me sad. Oh well, it was beautiful while it lasted!

Hope you are all recovering from the huge meals from yesterday. There will be lots of walking today. Lots. And there is a good change there will be more eating. Yay!


Glad you stopped by. Have a great day!